The idea behind QUIX is to have a generic set of parts that can be quickly turned into any kind of furniture. That way, you can turn shelves into beds, tables into benches, or chairs into children’s furniture. In no time, your study becomes a fully equipped guest room and your living room becomes a party space. Read more…
How it works
QUIX consists of just a few different types of parts that can be connected to one another using integrated hooks. The special geometry of the parts means that the same part can be used in different orientations, e.g. as side, front, back, top or shelf. Read more…

QUIX is highly sustainable because it reduces resource needs, it can be produced locally from renewable materials, and it supports reuse and reparability. Read more…
What you get
At QUIX you start with a set of generic pieces from which you can put together a wide range of furniture for different applications. The more sets you combine, the greater the selection of furniture you can build. Expore available sets…
How to get it
You can build QUIX yourself with a CNC router or explore the possibilities by creating a model of it with a 3D printer or laser cutter. Instructions on how to build the parts yourself can be found on (all rights reserved!).
If we receive enough requests, we will look for ways to produce the parts in a cost-effective and sustainable way. Please sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of the page to be placed on the waiting list.